These past few weeks have sped by with a flurry of activity; all connected with creativity of varying degrees.
Back in May I had been invited by the publishers of The Journal to join their editorial committee with a view to taking over my role fully in the Spring. Shadowing the person whose role I would take on seemed like a good way to ease into the job, but then our chairwoman had other ideas! Suddenly I found myself editing report after report following the Summer School in Wales with a deadline breathing down my neck. I was thrown in at the deep end and that pretty much took care of August!
In the middle of it all my hard drive failed and I had 10 days without computer! Slightly tricky situation all round!
Blogging flew out the window and then I was asked by my Guild committee to take up the job again I had resigned from in June. Another deadline for publishing our little magazine, The Web!
The summer is always a busy time for our Guild and a number of us have spent time demonstrating our crafts to the public. We also had to visit fibre events to stock up our stash - we don't want to run out of material! More of that later....
Haven't a clue who these people are, but we all look the same coming away from these places!!
Creating has been going on throughout in the background which I will post about soon, but for now I just wanted to say I am still here and will return on a more regular basis again!