Thursday 7 April 2011


Recently I wondered whether it's possible to print straight onto fabric and decided to buy some freezer paper to try it out.
I'm quite a fan of Luc Cromheecke, and especially his Tom Carbon character and thought it might be fun to have a trial run with that.
Cut the freezer paper to A4 and then iron some fabric (white is best) onto the freezer paper making sure the fabric is clean cut.  Insert into printer and print!  This will not work with a laser printer.
I am still working on getting more intense colours, possibly by using a setting for photographic paper.
Tom Carbon can now come shopping with me!

Ich wollte schon immer mal probieren direkt auf Stoff zu drucken und habe Freezer Papier (billig bei Ebay) gekauft.  Da ich ein Fan von Luc Cromheecke Cartoons bin, besonders Tom Carbon, habe ich das als Motiv genommen.
Freezer Papier auf A4 schneiden und Stoff (möglichst weiss) drauf bügeln und säubern.  In den Drucker und drucken!  Dies geht nicht mit einem Laserdrucker.
Die Farben könnten etwas besser sein und ich werde es mal noch mit der Einstellung für Photopapier probieren.
 Jetzt darf Tom Carbon zum Einkaufen mit!
Liebe Grüße


  1. That looks fantastic, does the freezer paper melt onto the fabric???, do you peel it off after you print or does it stay there???
    Hope you are getting a lot of enjoyment out of your bag.
    x Sandi

  2. Oops ... How silly of me! The freezer paper adheres to the fabric through ironing and gives rigidity for the print process. Afterwards you take the paper off and use the fabric in the normal way. It's your very own printed fabric, very cheap and the only drawback is the A4 size limitation.
    Was fun though!
    Bimbi x

  3. Thanks for that, I'm not sure it would work in my printer tho', but I will give it a try just to see. I don't want any yarn, was wondering if you would go and get some whilst you were over there. It will be a surprise to see what the yarns are that the shops don't have. You will have to write a post on it. xx Sandi

  4. What a great idea to create an unique bag!


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